Objective assessment physiotherapy, treatment & exercises to restore your well-being

What does an objective assessment involve?

Taking a clear history of your problem by asking questions to find out:

  • what has happened,

  • what the problem may be,

  • what treatment may be required.

Questions will also be asked regarding your medical health. In particular,

  • any previous surgery or illnesses

  • medication you are taking

  • your occupation

  • any leisure activities

to enable the physiotherapist to get an idea of your lifestyle and physical health.

Once this information is gathered, the physiotherapist will do a physical assessment.

What patients say about LS Physiotherapy

"Thank-you, you’re just amazing!"

"You understood exactly what exercises I could manage at every point and now I’ve built up to be able to plank for a few seconds. I’m going to keep going though."

Melanie, December 2020

Your physiotherapy initial assessment

You may be asked to remove clothing so that the physiotherapist can examine the affected area.

You may prefer to wear shorts or a vest top, depending on the area of concern.

You physiotherapy assessment will involve:

  • analysing certain movements,

  • doing specific tests,

  • palpating (feeling) the affected area and

  • testing muscles in the area.

There may be discomfort with certain tests, please inform the physiotherapist of discomfort. It is important in helping the therapist determine what the problem may be.

What follows the physiotherapy assessment?

Following the assessment, the physiotherapist will explain their findings to you. This includes:

  • the diagnosis

  • the appropriate course of treatment

  • mutually agreed goals.

Treatment may involve

  • manual therapy (pressure and movement on joints and muscles)

  • advice and education

  • targeted exercises

  • acupuncture

  • ultrasound therapy

The physiotherapist will discuss what treatments are most appropriate for your condition. Please inform your therapist of any particular form of treatment you wish to avoid.

If diagnostic tests such as X-rays, MRI or ultrasound scans are required, the therapist is able to refer you as needed.

Depending on time remaining, you may undergo treatment during your first appointment. The therapist usually prescribes exercises for you to do at home.

After the physio assessment - what must the patient do to restore their well-being?

It is important to be aware that your recovery is dependent on mutual co-operation. It's expected that you actively take part in the treatment process by complying with exercises, advice and self-help techniques as instructed.

What treatment follows the initial assessment?

Your second appointment is scheduled at the end of your initial appointment.

During the follow-up appointments, the therapist will re-assess how your symptoms have changed.

Appointments may be on a weekly basis or less often depending on your condition. This will be discussed with you at the first appointment.

The number of sessions required to treat your condition will vary. This is usually depends on the diagnosis or progress of treatment. This is an ongoing evaluation discussed at each session.

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